About Marie.
So, why create?​
Creation was the first thing she started gravitating towards. She loved colors—all of them, even the ones that weren’t so girly or appealing to little kids. She crafted paper creations and would color in her school activities in rainbows. Her mind was an endless abyss of stories that didn’t exist in the real world, only in her mind, and she was driven to put them on paper. There wasn’t anything or anyone that pushed her to create, it just felt natural—and there was no stopping her in her tracks. She had a talent, a skill, that got recognized and it clicked in her mind that this is what she wants to do. She wanted to create, because it felt good being noticed for something she put hours of effort into. She wanted to create, because she loved seeing the amazed faces of others and how their looks filled her with pride and endless motivation. She wanted to create, because she felt it in her blood, this is what she was made to do. This was her purpose.​
You can see it in the caves our ancestors dwelled in, where they left proof of their existence on the walls as they outlined their hands in a charcoal mixture. There’s a similarity between modern artists and our creative ancestors. They drew on the walls of their home much like children of today do when they first pick up crayons and markers. We doodle on our math notes during class the same way Mesopotamian students doodled on their texts. Even in it's simplest form, we create. The fact is: it's in our blood.
purpose; meaning; understanding